Saturday, July 9, 2022

Morning walk Paragraph with Bangla Word meaning & Translation

Morning walk Paragraph with Bangla Word meaning & Translation


73. Morning walk

(a) What is morning walk?

(b) What kind of exercise is it?

(c) What are the benefits of a morning walk?

(d) When do you exercise ?


Morning walk means walking in the early hours (খুব ভোরে ) of the morning. It is a very useful exercise. It is a light kind of physical exercise. It costs nothing but it is suitable for all.

The atmosphere at that time remains very cool and refreshing. Everything looks fresh and gay.

A cool breeze blows and a walk at that time is really very enjoyable. It refreshes our body and mind. It makes the body strong and active. It helps proper blood circulation and digestion. One who walks in the morning can enjoy the beauty of nature, the smell of flowers and the chirping sound of birds. Therefore, those who get up early in the morning and walk in the morning get the real benefit of it. It removes the monotony of routine work. A man walking in the morning regularly leads a happy and healthy life.

That is why doctors advise people of all ages to walk in the morning. On the other hand, the man who doesn't build up this habit can't enjoy the living scenery (জীবন্ত দৃশ্যাবলী)  of nature. He becomes deprived of a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. Different kinds of diseases attack him every now and then (প্রায়ই). As he doesn't have a good mind, he doesn't become happy in his life. Therefore, I always try to keep good health. Every day I get up early in the morning for a morning walk. After morning prayer, I walk thirty minutes. It prepares me for the day's work. We all should walk in the morning. It will keep us healthy and fit.

morning walk - প্রাতঃভ্রমণ

exercise (n) - ব্যায়াম;

physical (adj) - শারীরিক;

suitable (adj) - উপযুক্ত।

atmosphere (n)

cool (adj) - 5767;

refreshing (adj) -

fresh (adj) - 60G

gay (adj) – , 91962677;

breeze (n) - 7107, 775;

blow (v) - TiO TOM, 70;

enjoyable (adj) -



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